Metzger Essay on the NRSV
Find the link at Near Emmaus.
Find the link at Near Emmaus.
I’ve written a brief response to a particularly bad article about The Message over on my Participatory Bible Study Blog.
Erik DiVietro suggests respect and coexistence. While I commend his effort, not to mention his various posts, which are both informative and respectful, I think this is a topic that will always get heated. The KJV Only position, and those that are perceived to be close to it will tend to bring out a great…
I don’t weight all the versions precisely as he does, but he provides some excellent guidelines. Not surprisingly he likes the NET. I do too, though I don’t put it quite as high on my list.
One of the fundamental assumptions of my book, What’s in a Version? is that the Bible should and can be available in any language. Thus the initial chapter starts by asking just what questions onbe might ask if one was deciding how to produce a translation for people who don’t have one. Advocates of the…
I’ve posted two items on my Participatory Bible Study blog, the first on clarity of translation, On Translating to be Understood, and the second on just how clearly we understand the Bible writers in the first place, Paul not Lucid.
I like this presentation, though I list some quibbles on my Participatory Bible Study Blog. I would put this up against the line on my book cover: The best Bible version is one you read!